ka wha whai tonu ake ake ake - Make it happen
Meet Our Staff
Principal: Mr Terry Brock
Deputy Principal: Jnr. Syndicate - Mrs Carolyn Goodison
Deputy Principal: Snr. Syndicate - Whaea Rachael Murray
Room 5 NE Mrs Anne-Maree Adams/Mrs Sarah Cullen
Room 4 Y1/2 Mrs Jodi Sparks
Room 10 Y1/2 Mrs Sherilyn Bennett
Room 11 Y1/2 Mr Dan Tissink
Room 1 Y3/4 Mr Daniel Cotton
Room 2 Y3/4 Ms Esme Lescher
Room 3 Y3/4 Ms Tina Hodgson
Room 9 Y5/6 Mr Tyler Kini
Room 13 Y5/6 Miss Brooke Hepi
Room 14 Y5/6 Mr Douglas Kelly
Room 6 Y7/8 Mr Jonathon van Campen
Room 7 Y7/8 Mrs Kimberly Taoho
Room 8 Y7/8 Miss Sarah Little
Learning Support Co-ordinator: Mrs Andrena Norrish
Reading Recovery: Mrs Judy Jenkins
Support Staff: Mrs Bridget Procter (Administration), Mrs Jane Attwood (Administration), Mrs Lorraine Perry, Mrs Carol Head, Ms Cassie McDougall, Mrs Marion Radich, Mrs Maree Williams and Ms Maxine McClenaghan (Library).
After School Care: Mrs Debbie Godfrey, Ms Carol Head, Ms Cassie McDougal and Mrs Anne Fowlie
Caretaker: Mr Allan Frost
Board of Trustees
The current Board of Trustees membership is listed below. All Board Meetings are public meetings, and you are welcome to attend. Normally they are held on the evening of the third Wednesday of the month.
Chairperson: Mrs Kim Brown email: botchair@maungatapere.school.nz
Treasurer: Dave Hovell.
Members: Hagan Taylor, Fraser Chapman, Carina Dickson and Carolyn Goodison
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
There is an active PTA which meets every second Monday in the month. The members help raise funds, and run social and educational evenings. If you are interested in helping or joining please contact the office.
President: Mrs Anne Marie Kelly Treasurer: Mrs Carina Dickson Secretary: Mrs Kim Nathan